In 2021 AONA NSW and AONAVIC merged their memberships to form AONA INC. AONA INC main objective is to deliver professional development for Ophthalmic Nurses, it achieves this by organising clinical sessions, teleconferences and conferences for its members. Financial support through the use of educational grants is promoted to members, to ensure they are able to access educational opportunities.
The committee currently has 14 voluntary members, who freely give their time to support and promote the objectives of the association. Members are represented on the following working parties: NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Ophthalmology Network and ACHS Clinical Indicator Committee.
AONA NSW has strong links nationally with Ophthalmic Nursing Organisations in other states (Queensland and Western Australia) and jointly commenced the “AONA Vision” national newsletter in 2008 incorporating information about clinical days, conferences and educational articles from all states.